strategic + creative marketing solutions


Marketing Resources

Branding Personification Worksheet

Who are you as a company? If your company was a person, what would s/he be like? This worksheet will help you create a company identity so you can start understanding who your company is as a brand and begin speaking in your brand voice. Having a unique identity allows you to differentiate yourself from your competitors and attract new customers.

Press Release Template

It is important for local businesses to have strong relationships within their community and surrounding communities. One way to do this is to connect with your local publications. Advertising is one way to do this, but another way is to provide relevant content. Make editors jobs easier by providing them with information that is going on in your community. If your business is involved, even better. This Press Release template will give you the format and some tips on how to structure your press release so you can begin interacting with your local publications.

Phone Etiquette Checklist

Phone etiquette is the foundation of customer service via phone. This checklist will help you start training your team to create the right customer experience. Read our blog on how to "Evolve Your Customer Experience Beyond Phone Etiquette" or contact us to learn how we can create a customer experience for your company. We can offer support from rewriting and redesigning your website and brochures to phone scripts and in-person training.

Media Planning Worksheet

You are approached by advertisers all the time. This worksheet helps you see your opportunities, commitments, and deadlines in a single sheet so you can make an informed decision on what advertisement commitments you want to make moving forward and track your promo codes to see if your promotional advertising is paying off. If you need additional advertising support, please partner with us. We can streamline the process by becoming your media contact. Make recommendations, develop advertising, negotiate rates and place the ads on your behalf.

Mobile Friendly Test

In 2015 Google began prioritizing websites optimized for mobile devices. If your website isn't mobile-optimized, it is likely customers are seeing your competitors first. Additionally, 40% of website visitors will go to a competitor’s website if your website is not mobile-friendly. Click on the button below to discover if your website is mobile-friendly.